A Gang of Authors
This is a section to showcase great authors committed to helping each other:

Erika M. Szabo
Writer of fantasy fiction, magical realms, suspense, and children’s books.
“I paint pictures with my brush and words”
Find her and her books here: www.authorerikamszabo.com

Glory Wade
Writer of dark women’s fiction, and romance. Lover of Lists, amazing wordsmith and Aliante Writers Group Facilitator.
Find her and her books here: https://glorywade.com/
Meetup page

Rick Haynes
Writer of fantasy and humorous short stories, follow him and enter his world of imagination.
Find him and his books here:

Christina Weigand
Author of YA Christian Fantasy and MG children’s books.
“Where dragons, princes, and princesses find the magic.”
Find her and her books here:

Lorraine Carey
Author of paranormal and children’s books
“I pick up the pen and enter the realm.”
Find her books here:

Cindy J. Smith
Author of poetry and children’s books.
“I write because the voices in my head won’t shut up!”
Find her and her books here:

Rebecca Tran
Author of paranormal romance, sci-fi, and fantasy.
“I love all things fantasy and science fiction.”
Find her and her books here: