Coming up next!!
Coming up next is a new release, a dark crime thriller.
I have previously blogged about the new series I am going to publish somewhere next year, but I have another project on its way to publication.
It will be a dark crime thriller that will bring you into the world of jewel dealers. The title (at least for the moment) is “The merchant of pearls.”
The idea comes from a document I have been watching about cursed jewels. The first thing that comes to our minds is the pharaoh’s curse, which inspired many horror and thriller novelists.
Going a bit into details, there are many other more or less known items. For example, we can cite the ‘Hope Diamond,’ the Koh-i-Noor diamond, the Delhi purple sapphire, the Black Orlov, and many others.
Each of these stones seems to have brought nothing else but disgraces to those who owned them. The question I tried to raise with this novel is: Is it just a marketing strategy, or there’s some foundation of truth?
To be honest, the answer isn’t essential. What is important is that whether because of magic or because of a well-planned marketing strategy, those items are highly desired by collectors.
People are ready to spend a fortune beyond the stone’s market price, but this is not the question of purchasing a beautiful product of nature; it’s challenging the fate and the possibility to own something with a remarkable history.
The price is often placed on the historical value or on the excitement.
As I’m pre-editing it, I am considering the main character. For this reason, it came to my mind the famous quote of Jessica Rabbit:

My main character, Edward Sherwood, is the last heir of many generations of jewelers and goldsmith. Eldridge Sherwood started the business dealing with cursed stone back in 1802 when the Sherwoods Jeweler’s shop opened its proficient business.
Edward, differently than Jessica Rabbit, is not a saint, and it’s not really just drawn that way. Nevertheless, like the yin and yang, there’s still something that can save him from damnation. That is represented by the catalyst character, his partner, Byron, a young man he met during his educational journey.
Another catalyst is one of the cooperators, Mikhail Orlov, a former henchman of a Russian mob family, now working as a fixer, owning a bodyguarding company. His story will make him reconsider his doings, but will it be enough to change his nature?
To this question, I am afraid I can’t give an answer, but I promise a story full of twists and turns, heartbreaking stories, gorgeous cityscapes, marvelous gems, and intriguing characters.
Besides working on the pre-editing, I’m also thinking about the cover, and I hope to show you something about it in the next weeks. As I know by experience, this is the most critical and challenging task of the whole process.
I do have a couple of ideas, and as usual, I will start with a few elements that will become the key to the picture. I will need to include a Russian cityscape, a reference to the pearl, or gemstones.
Since I haven’t yet started to draw it, I will have to leave the anticipations to another time. Stay tuned for the next release coming up!